4D Outfitters
4D Ranch
Goliad, TX
Trophy Whitetail Hunts in South Texas
Dove Hunt
Dove hunting can be really good at times contact the ranch for seasons and opportunity. When it is available it is for groups of 4 hunter minimum @ 200.00/ gun / day. We have 160 acre dove field in the farm with dove pond and numerous bird food plots on the ranch to enhance the bird hunting.
Only shotguns are allowed on the ranch when dove hunting. We ask that spent shells must be picked up. Hunters will be taken to dove field by ranch guide and brought back at the end of the hunt. Hunters will clean their own birds at location acceptable to the ranch. All TPWD and migratory game laws must be followed.
Lodging can be found just a short 15 minute drive in historic Goliad. We highly recommend the Best Western Hotel in the nearby town of Goliad, TX.
Please take the time to read the ranch rules for hunters which can be found by clicking on the "Ranch Rules" button below.