4D Outfitters
4D Ranch
Goliad, TX
Trophy Whitetail Hunts in South Texas
Cull Whitetail Hunt
4D Ranch is proud to offer our most affordable hunt, the Cull Whitetail Hunt. With the Cull Whitetail Hunt you will have the opportunity to harvest the following for $2,500:
One Whitetail Buck scoring 130 B&C or less
One Doe
One Hog (as available)
This will be a two or three day hunt which will include four
hunts in total. You may stay at the lodge during the day
hours in between the morning and evening hunt, and lunch
will be provided during the intermission between morning
and evening hunts.
You will meet your guide each morning before daylight at the
ranch gate early enough to make it to the blind for the morning
hunt. After the morning hunt you are welcome to return to the
lodge for a mid day lunch. You and your guide will return to the
field for the evening hunt in the late afternoon.
Hunters will be expected to make their own lodging accommodations to stay the night in between the hunts. We recommend staying in the nearby town of Goliad, TX. We recommend making reservations at the Best Western hotel there in Goliad. Please take the time to read the ranch rules for hunters which can be found by clicking on the "Ranch Rules" button below.